Sometimes you've gotta make a mess to make some art! And few things are messier than fake blood. We've got the perfect recipe for the stuff, whether it's a “strawberry pack” for a subtle effect, or something more 11 gallons covering the stage. Alley Theatre Props Artisans Jessica Julien and Eric Brown share their secrets on how to master the mess of Blood FX.
What's the story you need to tell?
Are you subtle, the next Hitchcock (like The Birds), or an over-the-top Tarrantino à la Kill Bill? Remember: have fun and be safe when you tell your story.
What's that recipe again?
1 cup Karo syrup
3 tsp chocolate syrup
5 tsp red food color
10 drops blue food color
10 drops green food color
Don't forget…
Wear gloves when you work with food coloring!
Fake blood washes out of *most* things…use your best judgment (and maybe not your mom's antique furniture)
Store it in the fridge in an airtight container
Let it warm up to room temp for optimum gooiness
Be safe and have fun!
Share your gory goodness with us @alleytheatre on social media, and use the hashtag #bloodfx.